We Lovesex+

The Cocoa Butter Club

We Lovesex+
The Cocoa Butter Club

From the minute we encountered The Cocoa Butter Club we were completely blown away by their talent and the magic they create on stage. The performers are of such a high calibre and the performance pieces are varied, engaging and hilarious providing a wild ride that makes you wish it could go on forever. We have seen many cabaret shows in the past and nothing has come close to this.  

The Cocoa Butter Club is led by Sadie Sinner, a talented singer and compere who struggled with the reality that artists of colour are often overlooked and under-booked for gigs. At the same time, some event producers in the industry wanted to be more inclusive, so instead of offering token black performers in a predominantly white troupe, she created The Cocoa Butter Club. During the shows Sadie uses the platform to encourage event organisers to be more inclusive and supportive of performers of colour, reminding us all that booking these acts is a way of honouring people of colour and not appropriating from their culture. The cabaret is also unashamedly queer, which is another ode to tackling the marginalisation of QTIPOC (queer, trans, intersex people of colour) in the industry and in the wider world. In terms of activism, Sinner is outspoken and relentless in calling out racism and discrimination in her industry. Unfortunately this needs to be done far too often.

The Cocoa Butter Club uses art to allow black sexuality to find freedom and true expression away from misrepresentation and fetishisation. Performers share their own narratives about their bodies and their sexuality, without having to fit into a prescribed mould. Let’s recognise and celebrate these performers, they inspire countless people of colour to be creative, take the stage and own it.

Website: https://thecocoabutterclub.com